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Large value tourism developments can be started – the Government has decided to support another 180 investments20 February 2013

Tourism developments amounting to more than HUF 142 billion can be started due to the resources of the New Széchenyi Plan’s Regional Operational Programmes. Previously, the Government made a decision to support 35 priority tourism projects in the value of more than HUF 53 billion and as a result of the decisions made in recent weeks another 180 supported projects can be implemented with more than HUF 60 billion support from the European Union and the Hungarian State. Due to the investments Hungary’s tourism potential can significantly increase as there will be tourism developments that focus on health tourism and tourist accommodation development among others.

The grant scheme entitled ‘Development of tourist attractions and services’ with its 89 supported projects establishes and develops such natural, cultural heritage and tourism facilities that can further increase the number of foreign and domestic tourists. In the five regions (South Great Plain, South Transdanubia, Central Transdanubia, West Transdanubia and the North Great Plain) involved in the grant scheme projects can be started with a total expenditure of more than HUF 37.5 billion and nearly HUF 29 billion in EU support. For example theme parks, interactive visitor centres, theme routes, pilgrimage routes or even cycle paths will be developed focusing also on creating services that meet the needs of cyclists.  As an objective of the scheme in case of active tourism developments great emphasis was placed on the support of open-air baths, thermal baths, marinas and other water-related tourism services. In addition, positive decisions have been made recently about renovating and making forts and museums suitable for visits. Due to the 89 winning tenders complex tourist attractions will be created that meet the visitors’ needs and consequently the period of stay and spending per person will increase; furthermore, significant economic recovery effects are also expected since deriving from the developments the value of income from tourism can increase and the income-generating capacity of the tourism sector can improve. Due to the characteristics of the sector workplaces are created as a result of the support thus the overall tourism competitiveness of the regions will be further improved.

In the framework of the grant scheme for the purpose of the service development and capacity expansion of corporate accommodations support was granted for business associations for 60 investments. The New Széchenyi Plan contributes to the development of tourist accommodations with close to HUF 16.5 billion and the total value of the developments exceeds HUF 25 billion. The investments can be started in North Hungary, in the North and South Great Plains, and in South Transdanubia. In the framework of the grant scheme tenders could be submitted for the quality improvement (renovation, creating new services) and capacity expansion of existing and operating accommodations, furthermore for the establishment of new accommodations.  As a result of the investments the number of tourism nights and the period of stay spent by tourists have increased, by which the accommodations also contribute to further increasing the revenue from tourism. Due to the establishment of new tourist accommodations and services workplaces are not only kept, but also created from the support.

One of the most dynamically developing fields of the tourism sector is health tourism. Hungary has great traditions, very good resources and a good position in this field, therefore, this sector is a key element for the development of international competitiveness. The health industry is stated in the New Széchenyi Plan as a take-off point with particular focus on health tourism and more specifically on medical tourism, which includes the development of tourism related to medical and healthcare services located near therapeutic factors or independent of them. In the framework of the scheme support was granted among others to therapeutic departments linked to existing or newly established tourist accommodations, or developments resulting in the establishment of healthcare or medical services representing high added value on the health tourism market and added to the existing recreational and wellness services of medicinal and thermal baths. The supported projects set the objectives to widen the circle of solvent, primarily foreign and secondly domestic tourists and to increase the period of stay for visitors by establishing complex tourism and health care services. As a result of the support the competitiveness of domestic tourism enterprises can improve and due to the high added value services the specific spending per visitor will further increase in the area of medical tourism. Owing to the recently made decisions 31 developments can be started in this field with HUF 16 billion granted in support. In the South Plain, the North Plain and in North Hungary the value of investments is HUF 14.5 billion and in South Transdanubia, Central Transdanubia and West Transdanubia the total expenditure of the investments to be realized exceeds HUF 12 billion.

Hungary has natural resources that are unique in the European Region and these provide the foundation for the country’s tourism appeal not only on the European level. The Government also used every effort previously in order to promote tourism since this sector can boost the economy and increase employment in the regions.
In addition to the economic development and job creation aspects tourism also facilitates the preservation of local traditions, the demonstration of cultural and natural resources, improves the country image and plays a significant role in integrating disadvantaged regions and maintaining the rural population.