NFÜ National
Development Agency


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Evaluation of SROP Organizational Developments

The Hungarian National Development Agency has commissioned AAM Consulting to conduct the evaluation of State Reform Operational Programme (SROP) measures targeting organizational developments launched back in 2008. The evaluation work was carried out between 2012 April and 2012 October.

The objective of the evaluation on the one hand was to contribute to the preparation of the planned new SROP organizational development calls for tenders in 2012 by assessing the benefits of experiences, and on the other hand to provide a comprehensive overview of the present and expected effects of the implemented developments to contribute to the planning of similar developments for the 2014-2020 programming period.

The evaluation covered the assessment of the measures entitled „The organisational development of mayors’ offices” and two other measures implemented as high priority projects i.e. the organisational development of the National Public Health and Medical Officer Service (ÁNTSZ) and the Hungarian National Blood Transfusion Service.