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Small and medium enterprises wishing to use consultancy services can still apply for more than HUF 2.7 billion26 March 2013

Coming closer to the end of the programming period EU funding available for enterprises is provided to a limited extent temporarily. However, in addition to the “traditional” calls for proposals small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can also get support through intermediaries. Examples include the Corporate Consultancy Programme available for the interested applicants until 30th June 2014 the latest. The consultancy services can be used in the legal, marketing, labour or organizational development fields among others.

The possession of the suitable infrastructure and tools can only partially guarantee the success of the development of an enterprise. It is essential how a company can use these fundamental assets for the development of the enterprise and improve the existing human resources in order to utilize its infrastructural potentials more efficiently. The Corporate Consultancy Programme helps SMEs in this regard so that they should not only develop from the infrastructural aspect, but their knowledge base should also be enhanced at the same time. The objective of the programme is the improvement of entrepreneurship necessary for the successful operation of SMEs and the transfer of the knowledge required for the management and more efficient operation of companies through the use of specific professional consultancy.

In order to achieve the objectives of the programme Support Intermediary Organizations have been selected through which the enterprises can apply for the consultancy services. Their appearance in the application procedure was required because on the one hand the consultancy services are this way brought closer to SMEs, on the other hand the general institutional costs of the scheme are lower. The appropriate regional coverage and the competent professional knowledge was a fundamental requirement for Support Intermediaries.  As part of the project in every region the adequate number of customer service points have to be provided where information can be give to those interested and having questions regarding the programme and their enterprise. The Support Intermediary role is filled by organizations experienced in the SME sector such as OTP, KA-VOSZ Financial Services Trading Co., the Hungarian Foundation for Enterprise Promotion and the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The projects are post-financed; following the preliminary registration the Support Intermediaries decide about the projects based on a simple application data sheet. In case of approval, the Support Agreement is sent to the Beneficiary, who can implement the project with the selected consultant.

Consultancy companies that can be requested to provide SME consultancy in the framework of the scheme have to be registered in an online system through the following homepage
The consultancy services can be used in the following special fields: cross-cutting objectives, law, public procurement, marketing, labour affairs, safety at work, online presence, commerce, finance, tax and accountancy, specialized translations, organizational development, technology, product development, management, administration and corporate strategy.

The total amount of support granted can be between HUF 100 000 and HUF 8 000 000 and its rate can be 50%.

The requested support in the Central Hungary Region already exceeds the available support budget, therefore it has been suspended. However, in other regions there is still enough funding available for the continuous receipt of applications in the total amount of HUF 2.7 billion.

The calls for applications can be found on the following homepages:
South Great Plain, North Great Plain:
Central Transdanubia, Southern Transdanubia, Western Transdanubia:
North Great Plain: