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Minor roads across the country on nearly a thousand kilometres are to be renovated14 May 2013

In the framework of the Regional Operational Programmes almost 280 kilometres of minor roads were renovated in 2012. The 50 road sections have already been completed and the New Széchenyi Plan supported the investments with more than HUF 26 billion. This year works can be started for another 583 kilometres of roads due to the more than HUF 76 billion EU funding.

By means of the funds of the 2010-2013 programming period with the use of more than HUF 114 billion in total the system of minor roads can be reinforced and renovated. Nearly all funding available has been already granted to winning applicants, thus the construction of these investments is already in progress.

In 2012 asphalt overlay reinforcement works were started on 361 kilometres with HUF 35 billion EU support. Out of the 59 road sections where the work has been started, in 50 sections the renovation has already been completed and for another 9 sections the work area has been handed over.

In the first half of 2013 renovations can be started for 483 kilometres of road with HUF 63 billion in support. In addition to this in the second half of the year works can be started in 17 other road sections with HUF 13 billion in support equalling 100 kilometres in length. The majority of works started in the first half of 2013 are expected to be finished and handed over to traffic this year.

In addition to renovation works, 60 multifunctional trucks performing winter and summer road maintenance works (mowing and snow ploughing) will also be purchased in 2013 from more than HUF 4 billion funding.

In the present programming period in the area of the development of four-and five-digit public roads in all regions nearly 100% of all funds have been committed successfully.

Public road renovations serve the purpose of improving access to regional centres and regions that are difficult to access, and to provide easier access to workplaces and public services. Due to the investments damages caused by traffic to the environment shall be decreased and traffic safety shall be enhanced.