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Evaluation of the Effects of EU Funding on Territorial Cohesion

The consortium of Pannon Institute for Analyses Ltd. (Pannon Elemző Iroda Kft.), HÉTFA Center for Analyses Ltd. (HÉTFA Elemző Központ Kft.) and Revita Foundation (Revita Alapítvány) were commissioned by the National Development Agency (NFÜ) to carry out the „Evaluation of the Effects of EU Funding on Territorial Cohesion”. The evaluation was conducted between July 2012 and March 2013. The evaluation has made suggestions on the levels of development policy, the measures 2007-2013 and the programming period 2014-2020.

The aim of the evaluation was to identify how territorial processes have been formed in Hungary, what  role the development funds played in these processes, what reasons and factors explain the utilisation of development funds, and how it would be possible to develop a fund allocating structure serving more effectively the cohesion objective of development policy.
9 key evaluation questions and 26 sub-questions have been defined altogether. The large number of questions is due to the fact that there is no agreement on the definition of territorial cohesion among theoretical and practical experts either in Hungary or in the EU. One of the objectives of the evaluation, therefore, has been to define and present a conceptual framework, wherein the aims of territorial cohesion are applicable and plausible in development policies.

A mixed methodological framework including document analysis, data analysis, impact assessment using spatial econometrics, case studies, interviews, and focus groups was applied. The interpretations of quantitative results were based on qualitative methods.