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Open Day of EU Developments is a huge success 5 August 2013

On the first really hot day of summer more than 10,000 people visited the sites of spectacular cultural, transport, leisure, industrial or scientific developments that were implemented in the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan. The programme entitled the “Open Day of EU Developments – a tour behind the scenes” took place for the second time this year on Saturday in more than 60 locations in Hungary.

The first open day introduced by the National Development Agency with the intention to establish a tradition was organized in 30 locations back in March, but driven by the success in June more than 60 development locations were open to visitors. The great weather and the first day of the school holiday also contributed to the success, thus guests mainly visited outdoor programmes, thermal baths and cultural venues.

„Developments in Hungary are largely determined by EU funds. The results achieved this way have had a real impact on our everyday lives, which we often forget since we cannot see behind the scenes. With the Open Day of EU Developments we tried to bring people closer to this and looking at the great popularity, we have succeeded” – said Nándor Csepreghy, Deputy Secretary of State responsible for Development Programmes. 

In the capital the most visited investment site was the Kálvin square station of Metro 4.; 400 visitors could go down 25 meters underground, where they were informed about the main parameters and methods of the construction of the underground station and the adventurous visitors could even take a glimpse from the platform into the tunnels of the new underground.

Naturally, EU development sites in the countryside also attracted a lot of visitors on the Open Day. Countrywide several cultural events were open to visitors including Esterházy Castle, Korda Film studio, Mobilis Interactive Exhibition Centre and the Vásárhelyi-Bréda Castle, which participated in the programme for the second time, but was still among the most popular sites. The Ferenc Erkel Memorial House in Gyula, the House of Collections in Kecskemét, the Art Hotel in Szeged and the Iseum Savariense Archaeological Workshop and Interactive Museum in Szombathely awaited visitors with special exhibitions.

Visitors to the thermal and wellness baths in Makó, Szarvas, Tiszakécske, Bogács, Bükfürdő, or Zalakaros spent some substantial recreation time, but visitors wishing for active leisure could also find the right programmes as they could visit the adventure park on the bank of the River Maros, go waterskiing in Hejőkeresztúr or try equestrian sports in Ponyi puszta in Salgótarján.

We could continue with the long list of adventure parks, hotels, forest schools, museums and exhibition centres that were free to visit on the Open Day. According to the plans of the National Development Agency the sites will open their gates to visitors again next year on 9th May on the Europe Day and every year afterwards so that more and more residents could get acquainted with EU developments.