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4th International Evaluation Conference: Preparing for EU 2014-2020, Budapest, 26-27 September 2013

Ex ante Evaluations - Preparing for EU 2014-2020

The Hungarian National Development Agency (NDA) – responsible for the management of EU Structural and Cohesion Funds development programmes – in cooperation with the European Commission held its 4th international evaluation conference in Budapest. The main aim of the conference was to contribute to the successful preparation of the EU Members States’ Partnership Agreements and Operational Programmes for the new 2014-20 programming period by facilitating international discussion. Therefore the conference programme focused on ex ante evaluations and the SEA as the compulsory and supporting exercise for Partnership Agreements.

26 invited experts in programming and evaluation from the European Commission (Directorates-General Regio, Employment, Agriculture and Environment), from Member States and international organizations presented on ex ante evaluation requirements and challenges programmers currently face, as well as evaluation experience gained so far and various methodological approaches, playing a crucial role in the 2014-20 planning.

65 international guests out of the 140 participants represented 16 countries all over Europe and the USA, among them members of the European Commission’s Evaluation Networks, the Hungarian public administration and evaluation experts as well as academics.

Following traditions, the Evaluation Yearbook Hungary 2013 was released at the conference presenting the most important findings and recommendations of 25 Hungarian evaluations commissioned by NDA and carried out by independent external evaluators in the following areas: employment and labour market, business development, education and culture, health care, transport, environment and sustainability, territorial and social cohesion, public administration and implementation.

The conference presentations, the programme and the Evaluation Yearbook Hungary 2013 are available below: