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EU payments (HUF) 14.11.2013

The Evaluation of Transport Infrastructure Developments 2000-2011

The main objective of the evaluation was to make recommendations for policy planning, programming and implementation management with the aim of contributing to well-grounded policy decisions, the improvement of the funding system’s efficiency, and providing feedback  on the results and impacts achieved so far by priorities as well as the effectiveness of the institutional system’s  implementation.

The evaluation provides a summary of the contributions of various EU funds (ISPA/Cohesion Fund 2000-2006, EIOP 2004-2006, ROP 2004-2006, TOP 2007-2013, ROPs 2007-2013, Phare and cross-border cooperation programmes) and further developments financed by other resources towards Hungarian transport development and meeting overall and specific objectives set up in transport strategies and the EU support programmes.

The Evaluation of Transport Infrastructure Developments 2000-2011 was carried out by Terra Studio Kft. in April 2012 and financed by the National Development Agency.