Liferay.Util = { submitCountdown: 0, actsAsAspect: function(object) { object.yield = null; object.rv = {}; object.before = function(method, f) { var original = eval('this.' + method); this[method] = function() { f.apply(this, arguments); return original.apply(this, arguments); }; }; object.after = function(method, f) { var original = eval('this.' + method); this[method] = function() { this.rv[method] = original.apply(this, arguments); return f.apply(this, arguments); }; }; object.around = function(method, f) { var original = eval('this.' + method); this[method] = function() { this.yield = original; return f.apply(this, arguments); }; }; }, addInputFocus: function() { var inputs = jQuery('input:text, input:text, textarea'); var focusEvent = function(event) { jQuery(this).addClass('focus'); var value = this.value; var caretPos = value.length; if (this.createTextRange && (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'textarea')) { var textRange = this.createTextRange(); textRange.moveStart('character', caretPos); } else if (this.selectionStart) { this.selectionStart = caretPos; this.selectionEnd = caretPos; } if (Liferay.Browser.isIe() && (this != document.activeElement)) { try { this.focus(); } catch (e) { } } }; var blurEvent = function(event) { jQuery(this).removeClass('focus'); }; inputs.focus(focusEvent); inputs.blur(blurEvent); inputs.livequery( 'focus', focusEvent ); inputs.livequery( 'blur', blurEvent ); jQuery('input.lfr-auto-focus').livequery( function() { jQuery('input').trigger('blur'); jQuery(this).trigger('focus'); } ); }, addInputType: function(el) { var instance = this; instance.addInputType = function() { }; if (Liferay.Browser.isIe() && Liferay.Browser.getMajorVersion() < 7) { instance.addInputType = function(el) { var item; if (el) { if (typeof el == 'object') { item = jQuery(el); } else { item = jQuery('#' + el); } } else { item = document.body; } jQuery('input', item).each(function() { var current = jQuery(this); var type = this.type || 'text'; current.addClass(type); }); }; } return instance.addInputType(el); }, addParams: function(params, url) { var instance = this; if (typeof params == 'object') { params = jQuery.param(params); } else { params = jQuery.trim(params); } if (params != '') { var loc = url || location.href; var anchorHash, finalUrl; if (loc.indexOf('#') > -1) { var locationPieces = loc.split('#'); loc = locationPieces[0]; anchorHash = locationPieces[1]; } if (loc.indexOf('?') == -1) { params = '?' + params; } else { params = '&' + params; } if (loc.indexOf(params) == -1) { finalUrl = loc + params; if (anchorHash) { finalUrl += '#' + anchorHash; } if (!url) { location.href = finalUrl; } return finalUrl; } } }, check: function(form, name, checked) { jQuery('input[name=' + name + ']:checkbox',form).attr('checked', checked); }, checkAll: function(form, name, allBox) { var inputs; if (Liferay.Util.isArray(name)) { var names = 'input[name='+ name.join(']:checkbox,input[name=') + ']:checkbox'; inputs = jQuery(names, form); } else { inputs = jQuery('input[name=' + name + ']:checkbox', form); } inputs.attr('checked', allBox.checked); }, checkAllBox: function(form, name, allBox) { var totalBoxes = 0; var totalOn = 0; var inputs; if (Liferay.Util.isArray(name)) { var names = 'input[name='+ name.join(']:checkbox,input[name=') + ']:checkbox'; inputs = jQuery(names, form); } else { inputs = jQuery('input[name=' + name + ']:checkbox', form); } inputs = inputs.not(allBox); totalBoxes = inputs.length; totalOn = inputs.filter(':checked').length; allBox.checked = (totalBoxes == totalOn); }, checkMaxLength: function(box, maxLength) { if ((box.value.length) > maxLength) { box.value = box.value.substring(0, maxLength); } }, checkTab: function(box) { if ((document.all) && (event.keyCode == 9)) { box.selection = document.selection.createRange(); setTimeout('Liferay.Util.processTab("' + + '")', 0); } }, createFlyouts: function(options) { var instance = this; options = options || {}; var flyout, containers; var containerFilter = function() { return (jQuery('ul', this).length != 0); }; if (!options.container) { flyout = jQuery('.lfr-flyout'); containers = flyout.find('li').filter(containerFilter); } else { flyout = jQuery('li', options.container); containers = flyout.filter(containerFilter); } containers.addClass('lfr-flyout'); containers.addClass('has-children lfr-flyout-has-children'); if (!options.container) { containers = containers.add(flyout); } var over = function(event) { jQuery('> ul', this).show(); if (options.mouseOver) { options.mouseOver.apply(this, [event]); } }; var out = function(event) { jQuery('> ul', this).hide(); if (options.mouseOut) { options.mouseOut.apply(this, [event]); } }; containers.hoverIntent( { interval: 0, out: out, over: over, sensitivity: 2, timeout: 300 } ); }, defaultValue: function(obj, defaultValue) { var inputs = jQuery(obj); inputs.each(function() { var input = jQuery(this); input.unbind('.lfrDefaultValue'); if (!input.val().length) { input.val(defaultValue); } input.bind( 'focus.lfrDefaultValue', function() { if (this.value == defaultValue) { this.value = ''; } } ); input.bind( 'blur.lfrDefaultValue', function() { if (!this.value) { this.value = defaultValue; } } ); }); }, disableElements: function(obj) { var el = jQuery(obj); var children = el.find('*'); var emptyFn = function() { return false; }; var defaultEvents = function(el) { el.onclick = emptyFn; el.onmouseover = emptyFn; el.onmouseout = emptyFn; jQuery.event.remove(el); }; var ieEvents = function(el) { el.onmouseenter = emptyFn; el.onmouseleave = emptyFn; }; var removeEvents = defaultEvents; if (Liferay.Browser.isIe()) { removeEvents = function(el) { defaultEvents(el); ieEvents(el); }; } for (var i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var item = children[i]; var nodeName = item.nodeName.toLowerCase(); = 'default'; removeEvents(item); if (nodeName == 'a') { item.href = 'javascript:;'; } else if (nodeName == 'input' || nodeName == 'select' || nodeName == 'script') { item.disabled = true; } else if (nodeName == 'form') { item.action = ''; item.onsubmit = emptyFn; } }; }, disableEsc: function() { if ((document.all) && (event.keyCode == 27)) { event.returnValue = false; } }, disableTextareaTabs: function(textarea) { var instance = this; if (!textarea.jquery) { textarea = jQuery(textarea); } if (textarea.attr('textareatabs') != 'enabled') { textarea.attr('textareatabs', 'disabled'); textarea.unbind('keydown.liferay', Liferay.Util.textareaTabs); } }, enableTextareaTabs: function(textarea) { var instance = this; if (!textarea.jquery) { textarea = jQuery(textarea); } if (textarea.attr('textareatabs') != 'enabled') { textarea.attr('textareatabs', 'enabled'); textarea.bind('keydown.liferay', Liferay.Util.textareaTabs); } }, endsWith: function(str, x) { return (str.lastIndexOf(x) === (str.length - x.length)); }, escapeHTML: function(str) { return str.replace( /<|>|&/gi, function(match) { var str = ''; if (match == '<') { str = '<'; } else if (match == '>') { str = '>'; } else if (match == '&') { str = '&'; } else if (match == '\"') { str = '"'; } else if (match == '\'') { str = '''; } return str; } ); }, focusFormField: function(el, caretPosition) { var interacting = false; var eventData = caretPosition ? [caretPosition] : null; jQuery(document).one( 'click', function() { interacting = true; } ); jQuery( function() { if (el && (el.offsetHeight != 0) && !interacting) { var elObj = jQuery(el); jQuery('input').trigger('blur'); elObj.trigger('focus', eventData); } } ); }, forcePost: function(link) { var instance = this; if (link) { var url = jQuery(link).attr('href'); submitForm(document.hrefFm, url); } }, getColumnId: function(str) { var columnId = str.replace(/layout-column_/, ''); return columnId; }, getPortletId: function(portletId) { portletId = portletId.replace(/^p_p_id_/i, ''); portletId = portletId.replace(/_$/, ''); return portletId; }, getSelectedRadioValue: function(col) { return jQuery(col).filter(':checked').val() || ''; }, getURLWithSessionId: function(url) { if (document.cookie && (document.cookie.length > 0)) { return url; } // LEP-4787 var x = url.indexOf(';'); if (x > -1) { return url; } var sessionId = ';jsessionid=' + themeDisplay.getSessionId(); x = url.indexOf('?'); if (x > -1) { return url.substring(0, x) + sessionId + url.substring(x); } // In IE6,;jsessionid=XYZ does not work, but //;jsessionid=XYZ does work. x = url.indexOf('//'); if (x > -1) { var y = url.lastIndexOf('/'); if (x + 1 == y) { return url + '/' + sessionId; } } return url + sessionId; }, /** * OPTIONS * * Required * button {string|object}: The button that opens the popup when clicked. * height {number}: The height to set the popup to. * textarea {string}: the name of the textarea to auto-resize. * url {string}: The url to open that sets the editor. * width {number}: The width to set the popup to. */ inlineEditor: function(options) { var instance = this; if (options.url && options.button) { var url = options.url; var button = options.button; var width = options.width || 680; var height = options.height || 640; var textarea = options.textarea; var clicked = false; var editorButton = jQuery(button); function(event) { if (!clicked) { var form = jQuery([]); var popup = Liferay.Popup( { height: 640, width: 680, noCenter: true, title: '', resize: function(e, ui) { var cssData = ui.size; var dimensions = {}; if (cssData.height) { dimensions.height = cssData.height - 130; } if (cssData.width) { dimensions.width = cssData.width - 20; } form.css(dimensions); jQuery(document).trigger('popupResize'); }, onClose: function() { jQuery(document).unbind('popupResize.liferay'); clicked = false; } } ); jQuery.ajax( { url: url + '&rt=' + Liferay.Util.randomInt(), success: function(message) { popup.find('.loading-animation').remove(); popup.append(message); form = popup.find('form'); if (textarea) { var usingPlainEditor = popup.find('.lfr-textarea').length; Liferay.Util.resizeTextarea(textarea, !usingPlainEditor, true); } } } ); clicked = true; } } ); } }, isArray: function(object) { return !!(window.Array && object.constructor == window.Array); }, listChecked: function(form) { var s = []; var inputs = jQuery('input[value!=]:checked:checkbox', form); inputs.each( function() { s.push(this.value); } ); return s.join(','); }, listCheckedExcept: function(form, except) { var s = []; var inputs = jQuery('input[value!=][name!="' + except + '"]:checked:checkbox', form); inputs.each( function() { s.push(this.value); } ); return s.join(','); }, listSelect: function(box, delimeter) { var s = []; delimeter = delimeter || ','; if (box == null) { return ''; } var opts = jQuery(box).find('option[value!=]'); opts.each( function() { s.push(this.value); } ); if (s[0] == '.none') { return ''; } else { return s.join(delimeter); } }, listUncheckedExcept: function(form, except) { var s = []; var inputs = jQuery('input[value!=][name!="' + except + '"]:checkbox:not(:checked)', form); inputs.each( function() { s.push(this.value); } ); return s.join(','); }, moveItem: function(fromBox, toBox, sort) { if (fromBox.selectedIndex >= 0) { var toSelect = jQuery(toBox); var selectedOption = jQuery(fromBox).find('option:selected'); toSelect.append(selectedOption); } if (selectedOption.text() != '' && sort == true) { Liferay.Util.sortBox(toBox); } }, portletTitleEdit: function(options) { var instance = this; var obj = options.obj; var plid = options.plid; var doAsUserId = options.doAsUserId; var portletId = options.portletId; var url = options.url; var title = obj.find('.portlet-title'); if (!'.not-editable')) { title.editable( function(value, settings) { var cruft = settings._LFR_.cruft || []; cruft = cruft.join(''); if (value != settings._LFR_.oldText) { Liferay.Util.savePortletTitle( { plid: plid, doAsUserId: doAsUserId, portletId: portletId, title: value } ); } return cruft + instance.escapeHTML(value); }, { cssclass: 'text', data: function(value, settings) { var input = jQuery(this); var re = new RegExp('<\/?[^>]+>|\n|\r|\t', 'gim'); var cruft = value.match(re); settings._LFR_ = {}; settings._LFR_.oldText = value; settings._LFR_.cruft = cruft; value = value.replace(re, ''); settings._LFR_.oldText = value; return value; }, height: '', width: '', onblur: 'submit', type: 'text', select: false, style: '', submit: '' } ); } }, processTab: function(id) { document.all[id].selection.text = String.fromCharCode(9); document.all[id].focus(); }, randomInt: function() { return (Math.ceil(Math.random() * (new Date).getTime())); }, randomMinMax: function(min, max) { return (Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min))) + min; }, removeItem: function(box, value) { var selectEl = jQuery(box); if (!value) { selectEl.find('option:selected').remove(); } else { selectEl.find('option[value=' + value + ']:selected').remove(); } }, reorder: function(box, down) { var si = box.selectedIndex; if (si == -1) { box.selectedIndex = 0; } else { sText = box.options[si].text; sValue = box.options[si].value; if ((box.options[si].value > '') && (si > 0) && (down == 0)) { box.options[si].text = box.options[si - 1].text; box.options[si].value = box.options[si - 1].value; box.options[si - 1].text = sText; box.options[si - 1].value = sValue; box.selectedIndex--; } else if ((si < box.length - 1) && (box.options[si + 1].value > '') && (down == 1)) { box.options[si].text = box.options[si + 1].text; box.options[si].value = box.options[si + 1].value; box.options[si + 1].text = sText; box.options[si + 1].value = sValue; box.selectedIndex++; } else if (si == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < (box.length - 1); i++) { box.options[i].text = box.options[i + 1].text; box.options[i].value = box.options[i + 1].value; } box.options[box.length - 1].text = sText; box.options[box.length - 1].value = sValue; box.selectedIndex = box.length - 1; } else if (si == (box.length - 1)) { for (var j = (box.length - 1); j > 0; j--) { box.options[j].text = box.options[j - 1].text; box.options[j].value = box.options[j - 1].value; } box.options[0].text = sText; box.options[0].value = sValue; box.selectedIndex = 0; } } }, resizeTextarea: function(elString, usingRichEditor, resizeToInlinePopup) { var init = function() { var el = jQuery('#' + elString); if (!el.length) { el = jQuery('textarea[name=' + elString + ']'); } if (el.length) { var pageBody; if (resizeToInlinePopup) { pageBody = el.parents('.ui-dialog:first'); } else { pageBody = jQuery('body'); } var resize = function() { var pageBodyHeight = pageBody.height(); if (usingRichEditor) { try { if (!'iframe')) { el = eval(elString); if (!el.jquery) { el = jQuery(el); } } } catch (e) { } } var diff = 170; if (!resizeToInlinePopup) { diff = 100; } el.css( { height: (pageBodyHeight - diff) + 'px', width: '98%' } ); }; resize(); if (resizeToInlinePopup) { jQuery(document).bind('popupResize.liferay', resize); } else { jQuery(window).resize(resize); } } }; jQuery(init); }, resubmitCountdown: function(formName) { if (Liferay.Util.submitCountdown > 0) { Liferay.Util.submitCountdown--; setTimeout('Liferay.Util.resubmitCountdown("' + formName + '")', 1000); } else { Liferay.Util.submitCountdown = 0; if (!Liferay.Browser.isMozilla()) { = 'auto'; } var form = document.forms[formName]; for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { var e = form.elements[i]; if (e.type && (e.type.toLowerCase() == 'button' || e.type.toLowerCase() == 'reset' || e.type.toLowerCase() == 'submit')) { e.disabled = false; } } } }, savePortletTitle: function(params) { var defaultParams = { plid: 0, doAsUserId: 0, portletId: 0, title: '', url: themeDisplay.getPathMain() + '/portlet_configuration/update_title' }; var settings = jQuery.extend(defaultParams, params); jQuery.ajax( { url: settings.url, data: { p_l_id: settings.plid, doAsUserId: settings.doAsUserId, portletId: settings.portletId, title: settings.title } } ); }, selectAndCopy: function(el) { el.focus();; if (document.all) { var textRange = el.createTextRange(); textRange.execCommand('copy'); } }, setBox: function(oldBox, newBox) { for (var i = oldBox.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { oldBox.options[i] = null; } for (var i = 0; i < newBox.length; i++) { oldBox.options[i] = new Option(newBox[i].value, i); } oldBox.options[0].selected = true; }, setSelectedValue: function(col, value) { jQuery('option[value=' + value + ']', col).attr('selected', true); }, showCapsLock: function(event, span) { var keyCode = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which; var shiftKey = event.shiftKey ? event.shiftKey : ((keyCode == 16) ? true : false); if (((keyCode >= 65 && keyCode <= 90) && !shiftKey) || ((keyCode >= 97 && keyCode <= 122) && shiftKey)) { document.getElementById(span).style.display = ''; } else { document.getElementById(span).style.display = 'none'; } }, sortBox: function(box) { var newBox = []; for (var i = 0; i < box.length; i++) { newBox[i] = [box[i].value, box[i].text]; } newBox.sort(Liferay.Util.sortByAscending); var boxObj = jQuery(box); boxObj.find('option').remove(); jQuery.each( newBox, function(key, value) { boxObj.append(''); } ); if (Liferay.Browser.isIe()) { var currentWidth = boxObj.css('width'); if (currentWidth == 'auto') { boxObj.css('width', 'auto'); } } }, sortByAscending: function(a, b) { a = a[1].toLowerCase(); b = b[1].toLowerCase(); if (a > b) { return 1; } if (a < b) { return -1; } return 0; }, startsWith: function(str, x) { return (str.indexOf(x) === 0); }, /** * OPTIONS * * Required * popup {string|object}: A jQuery selector or DOM element of the popup that contains the editor. * textarea {string}: the name of the textarea to auto-resize. * url {string}: The url to open that sets the editor. */ switchEditor: function(options) { var instance = this; if (options.url && options.popup) { var url = options.url; var popup = options.popup; var textarea = options.textarea; if (!popup.jquery) { popup = jQuery(popup); } var popupMessage = popup; jQuery.ajax( { url: url, beforeSend: function() { popupMessage.empty(); popupMessage.append('
'); }, success: function(message) { popupMessage.empty(); popupMessage.append(message); if (textarea) { var usingPlainEditor = popup.find('.lfr-textarea').length; Liferay.Util.resizeTextarea(textarea, !usingPlainEditor, true); } } } ); } }, textareaTabs: function(event) { var el = this; var pressedKey = event.which; if(pressedKey == 9 || (Liferay.Browser.isSafari() && pressedKey == 25)) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); var oldscroll = el.scrollTop; if (el.setSelectionRange) { var caretPos = el.selectionStart + 1; var elValue = el.value; el.value = elValue.substring(0, el.selectionStart) + '\t' + elValue.substring(el.selectionEnd, elValue.length); setTimeout( function() { el.focus(); el.setSelectionRange(caretPos, caretPos); }, 0); } else { document.selection.createRange().text='\t'; } el.scrollTop = oldscroll; return false; } }, toggleByIdSpan: function(obj, id) { jQuery('#' + id).toggle(); var spans = jQuery(obj).find('span'); spans.toggle(); }, toggle: function(obj, returnState, displayType) { if (typeof obj == 'string') { obj = '#' + obj; } var el = jQuery(obj); var hidden = el.toggle().is(':visible'); if (displayType) { el.css('display', displayType); hidden =':visible'); } if (returnState) { return hidden; } }, toggleBoxes: function(checkBoxId, toggleBoxId) { var checkBox = jQuery('#' + checkBoxId); var toggleBox = jQuery('#' + toggleBoxId); if (!':checked')) { toggleBox.hide(); } function() { toggleBox.toggle(); } ); }, toggleControls: function() { var instance = this; var trigger = jQuery('.toggle-controls'); var docBody = jQuery(document.body); var hiddenClass = 'controls-hidden'; var visibleClass = 'controls-visible'; var currentClass = visibleClass; if (Liferay._editControlsState != 'visible') { currentClass = hiddenClass; } docBody.addClass(currentClass); function(event) { docBody.toggleClass(visibleClass).toggleClass(hiddenClass); Liferay._editControlsState = ('.' + visibleClass) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); jQuery.ajax( { url: themeDisplay.getPathMain() + '/portal/session_click', data: { 'liferay_toggle_controls': Liferay._editControlsState } } ); } ); }, toggleSelectBox: function(selectBoxId, value, toggleBoxId) { var selectBox = jQuery('#' + selectBoxId); var toggleBox = jQuery('#' + toggleBoxId); if (selectBox.val() != value) { toggleBox.hide(); } else {; } selectBox.change( function(event) { if (selectBox.val() != value) { toggleBox.hide(); } else {; } } ); }, uncamelize: function(value, separator) { separator = separator || ' '; value = value.replace(/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z])([A-Z])([a-z])/g, '$1' + separator + '$2$3'); value = value.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1' + separator + '$2'); return value; }, unescapeHTML: function(str) { return str.replace( /<|>|&|"|'/gi, function(match) { var str = ''; if (match == '<') { str = '<'; } else if (match == '>') { str = '>'; } else if (match == '&') { str = '&'; } else if (match == '"') { str = '\"'; } else if (match == ''') { str = '\''; } return str; } ); }, viewport: { frame: function() { var instance = this; var viewport = jQuery(window); var x = viewport.width(); var y = viewport.height(); return {x: x, y: y}; }, page: function() { var instance = this; var viewport = jQuery(document); var x = viewport.width(); var y = viewport.height(); return {x: x, y: y}; }, scroll: function() { var instance = this; var viewport = jQuery(window); var x = viewport.scrollLeft(); var y = viewport.scrollTop(); return {x: x, y: y}; } } }; function submitForm(form, action, singleSubmit) { if (Liferay.Util.submitCountdown == 0) { Liferay.Util.submitCountdown = 10; setTimeout('Liferay.Util.resubmitCountdown("' + + '")', 1000); if ((singleSubmit == null) || singleSubmit) { Liferay.Util.submitCountdown++; var inputs = jQuery('input[type=button], input[type=reset], input[type=submit]', form); inputs.attr('disabled', true); inputs.fadeTo(50, 0.5); if(singleSubmit === true){ clearTimeout(Liferay.Util._resubmitCountdownId); } } if (action != null) { form.action = action; } if (!Liferay.Browser.isMozilla()) { = 'wait'; } Liferay.trigger('submitForm', {form: form}); form.submit(); } } // 0-200: Theme Developer // 200-400: Portlet Developer // 400+: Liferay Liferay.zIndex = { DOCK: 10, DOCK_PARENT: 20, ALERT: 430, DROP_AREA: 440, DROP_POSITION: 450, DRAG_ITEM: 460, TOOLTIP: 470 };