var LiferayWinterSky = function () { var $ = jQuery; return { init: function() { var instance = this; instance.handleSearchForm(); instance.handleLastChild(); instance.communityMenu(); }, handleSearchForm: function() { var searchForm = $('#banner .search'); var searchInput = searchForm.find('input[type=image]'); var searchLink = $(''); function() { $(this).parents('form')[0].submit(); } ); searchInput.hide(); searchInput.before(searchLink); }, handleLastChild: function () { var instance = this; $('#footer ul li:last').addClass('last-child'); }, communityMenu: function() { $(" #navbar ul ul ").css({display: "none"}); // Opera Fix $(" #navbar li ").hoverIntent( { interval: 25, timeout: 100, over: function () { //$(this).find('ul:first:hidden').css({visibility: "visible", display: "none"}).show(400); $(this).find('ul:first:hidden').css({visibility: "visible", display: "none"}).slideDown(400); }, out: function () { $(this).find('ul:first').slideUp(100); } } ); } }; }(); jQuery(document).ready( /* This function gets loaded when all the HTML, not including the portlets, is loaded. */ function() { LiferayWinterSky.init(); } ); Liferay.Portlet.ready( /* This function gets loaded after each and every portlet on the page. portletId: the current portlet's id jQueryObj: the jQuery wrapped object of the current portlet */ function(portletId, jQueryObj) { } ); jQuery(document).last( /* This function gets loaded when everything, including the portlets, is on the page. */ function() { } );