jQuery(function($) { Socialite.process(); //processing each instance before we take any action. Makes sure pinterest loads individually and not all together. if ( $("body").hasClass("wpsocialite-scroll") ) { //If set to 'scroll' var articles = $('.social-buttons'), socialised = { }, win = $(window), updateArticles, onUpdate, updateTimeout; updateArticles = function() { // viewport bounds var wT = win.scrollTop(), wL = win.scrollLeft(), wR = wL + win.width(), wB = wT + win.height(); // check which articles are visible and socialise! for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) { if (socialised[i]) { continue; } // article bounds var art = $(articles[i]), aT = art.offset().top, aL = art.offset().left, aR = aL + art.width(), aB = aT + art.height(); // vertial point inside viewport if ((aT >= wT && aT <= wB) || (aB >= wT && aB <= wB)) { // horizontal point inside viewport if ((aL >= wL && aL <= wR) || (aR >= wL && aR <= wR)) { socialised[i] = true; Socialite.load(articles[i]); } } } }; onUpdate = function() { if (updateTimeout) { clearTimeout(updateTimeout); } updateTimeout = setTimeout(updateArticles, 100); }; win.on('resize', onUpdate).on('scroll', onUpdate); setTimeout(updateArticles, 100); } else { //If not set to 'scroll', default to hover $('.social-buttons').parent().one('mouseenter', function(){ Socialite.load($(this)[0]); }); } });//theend