/* Created by Artisteer v4.1.0.59861 */ /*jshint forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:true, bitwise:true, strict:true, undef:true, curly:false, browser:true, jquery:false */ /*global jQuery BackgroundHelper */ // css helper (function ($) { 'use strict'; var data = [ { str: navigator.userAgent, sub: 'Chrome', ver: 'Chrome', name: 'chrome' }, { str: navigator.vendor, sub: 'Apple', ver: 'Version', name: 'safari' }, { prop: window.opera, ver: 'Opera', name: 'opera' }, { str: navigator.userAgent, sub: 'Firefox', ver: 'Firefox', name: 'firefox' }, { str: navigator.userAgent, sub: 'MSIE', ver: 'MSIE', name: 'ie' } ]; var v = function (s, n) { var i = s.indexOf(data[n].ver); return (i !== -1) ? parseInt(s.substring(i + data[n].ver.length + 1), 10) : ''; }; var html = $('html'); for (var n = 0; n < data.length; n++) { if ((data[n].str && (data[n].str.indexOf(data[n].sub) !== -1)) || data[n].prop) { html.addClass(data[n].name + ' ' + data[n].name + v(navigator.userAgent, n) || v(navigator.appVersion, n)); break; } } // 'desktop' class is used as responsive design initial value html.addClass('desktop'); })(jQuery); jQuery(function ($) { 'use strict'; var i, j, k, l, m; if (!$.browser.msie || parseInt($.browser.version, 10) !== 9) { return; } var splitByTokens = function (str, startToken, endToken, last) { if (!last) { last = false; } var startPos = str.indexOf(startToken); if (startPos !== -1) { startPos += startToken.length; var endPos = last ? str.lastIndexOf(endToken) : str.indexOf(endToken, startPos); if (endPos !== -1 && endPos > startPos) { return str.substr(startPos, endPos - startPos); } } return ''; }; var splitWithBrackets = function (str, token, brackets) { /*jshint nonstandard:true */ if (!token) { token = ','; } if (!brackets) { brackets = '()'; } var bracket = 0; var startPos = 0; var result = []; if (brackets.lenght < 2) { return result; } var pos = 0; while (pos < str.length) { var ch = str[pos]; if (ch === brackets[0]) { bracket++; } if (ch === brackets[1]) { bracket--; } if (ch === token && bracket < 1) { result.push(str.substr(startPos, pos - startPos)); startPos = pos + token.length; } pos++; } result.push(str.substr(startPos, pos - startPos)); return result; }; var byteToHex = function (d) { var hex = Number(d).toString(16); while (hex.length < 2) { hex = "0" + hex; } return hex; }; for (i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) { var s = document.styleSheets[i]; var r = [s]; for (j = 0; j < s.imports.length; j++) { r.push(s.imports[j]); } for (j = 0; j < r.length; j++) { s = r[j]; var n = []; for (k = 0; k < s.rules.length; k++) { var css = s.rules[k].cssText || s.rules[k].style.cssText; if (!css) { continue; } var value = splitByTokens(css, '-svg-background:', ';'); if (value === '') { continue; } var values = splitWithBrackets(value); for (l = 0; l < values.length; l++) { var g = splitByTokens(values[l], 'linear-gradient(', ')', true); if (g === '') { continue; } var args = splitWithBrackets(g); if (args.length < 3) { continue; } var maxOffset = 0; var stops = []; for (m = 1; m < args.length; m++) { var stopValues = splitWithBrackets($.trim(args[m]), ' '); if (stopValues.length < 2) { continue; } var stopColor = $.trim(stopValues[0]); var stopOpacity = 1; var colorRgba = splitByTokens(stopColor, 'rgba(', ')', true); var stopOffset = $.trim(stopValues[1]); if (colorRgba !== "") { var rgba = colorRgba.split(','); if (rgba.length < 4) { continue; } stopColor = '#' + byteToHex(rgba[0]) + byteToHex(rgba[1]) + byteToHex(rgba[2]); stopOpacity = rgba[3]; } var isPx = stopOffset.indexOf('px') !== -1; if (isPx) { maxOffset = Math.max(maxOffset, parseInt(stopOffset, 10) || 0); } stops.push({ offset: stopOffset, color: stopColor, opacity: stopOpacity, isPx: isPx }); } var stopsXML = ''; var lastStop = null; for (m = 0; m < stops.length; m++) { if (stops[m].isPx) { stops[m].offset = ((parseInt(stops[m].offset, 10) || 0) / (maxOffset / 100)) + '%'; } stopsXML += ''; if (m === stops.length - 1) { lastStop = stops[m]; } } var isLeft = $.trim(args[0]) === 'left'; var direction = 'x1="0%" y1="0%" ' + (isLeft ? 'x2="100%" y2="0%"' : 'x2="0%" y2="100%"'); var gradientLength = '100%'; if (maxOffset > 0) { gradientLength = maxOffset + 'px'; } var size = (isLeft ? 'width="' + gradientLength + '" height="100%"' : 'width="100%" height="' + gradientLength + '"'); var last = ""; if (lastStop !== null && maxOffset > 0) { last = ''; } var svgGradient = '' + stopsXML + '' + last + ''; values[l] = values[l].replace('linear-gradient(' + g + ')', 'url(data:image/svg+xml,' + escape(svgGradient) + ')'); } n.push({ s: s.rules[k].selectorText, v: 'background: ' + values.join(",") }); } for (k = 0; k < n.length; k++) { s.addRule(n[k].s, n[k].v); } } } }); jQuery(function ($) { 'use strict'; // ie < 9 slider multiple background fix if (!$.browser.msie || $.browser.version > 8) return; function split(str) { str = str.replace(/"/g, '').replace(/%20/g, ''); return str.split(/\s*,\s*/); } $('.art-slider .art-slide-item').each(function () { var bgs = split($(this).css('background-image')); // needs to use the last image if (bgs.length > 1) { $(this).css("background-image", bgs[bgs.length - 1]); } }); }); jQuery(function ($) { "use strict"; // ie8 if (!$.browser.msie || $.browser.version > 8) return; $('.art-shapes').css('z-index', 1); // ie7 if (!$.browser.msie || $.browser.version > 7) return; var textblockTexts = $('.art-textblock > div'); textblockTexts.each(function () { var tbText = $(this); var valign = tbText.css('vertical-align') ? tbText.css('vertical-align') : 'top'; if (valign === 'middle') { var wrapper = tbText.wrap('
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IE6 has wider items, IE7 display items like stairs. */ $.each($("ul.art-hmenu ul"), function () { var maxSubitemWidth = 0; var submenu = $(this); var subitem = null; $.each(submenu.children("li").children("a"), function () { subitem = $(this); var subitemWidth = subitem.outerWidth(false); if (maxSubitemWidth < subitemWidth) { maxSubitemWidth = subitemWidth; } }); if (subitem !== null) { var subitemBorderLeft = parseInt(subitem.css("border-left-width"), 10) || 0; var subitemBorderRight = parseInt(subitem.css("border-right-width"), 10) || 0; var subitemPaddingLeft = parseInt(subitem.css("padding-left"), 10) || 0; var subitemPaddingRight = parseInt(subitem.css("padding-right"), 10) || 0; maxSubitemWidth -= subitemBorderLeft + subitemBorderRight + subitemPaddingLeft + subitemPaddingRight; submenu.children("li").children("a").css("width", maxSubitemWidth + "px"); } }); }); jQuery(function () { "use strict"; setHMenuOpenDirection({ container: "div.art-sheet", defaultContainer: "#art-main", menuClass: "art-hmenu", leftToRightClass: "art-hmenu-left-to-right", rightToLeftClass: "art-hmenu-right-to-left" }); }); var setHMenuOpenDirection = (function ($) { "use strict"; return (function(menuInfo) { var defaultContainer = $(menuInfo.defaultContainer); defaultContainer = defaultContainer.length > 0 ? defaultContainer = $(defaultContainer[0]) : null; $("ul." + menuInfo.menuClass + ">li>ul").each(function () { var submenu = $(this); var submenuWidth = submenu.outerWidth(false); var submenuLeft = submenu.offset().left; var mainContainer = submenu.parents(menuInfo.container); mainContainer = mainContainer.length > 0 ? mainContainer = $(mainContainer[0]) : null; var container = mainContainer || defaultContainer; if (container !== null) { var containerLeft = container.offset().left; var containerWidth = container.outerWidth(false); if (submenuLeft + submenuWidth >= containerLeft + containerWidth) { /* right to left */ submenu.addClass(menuInfo.rightToLeftClass).find("ul").addClass(menuInfo.rightToLeftClass); } else if (submenuLeft <= containerLeft) { /* left to right */ submenu.addClass(menuInfo.leftToRightClass).find("ul").addClass(menuInfo.leftToRightClass); } } }); }); })(jQuery); jQuery(function ($) { $("ul.art-hmenu ul li").hover(function () { $(this).prev().children("a").addClass("art-hmenu-before-hovered"); }, function () { $(this).prev().children("a").removeClass("art-hmenu-before-hovered"); }); }); jQuery(function ($) { 'use strict'; if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 8) { $(window).bind('resize', function() { var c = $('div.art-content'); var s = c.parent().children('.art-layout-cell:not(.art-content)'); var w = 0; c.hide(); s.each(function() { w += $(this).outerWidth(true); }); c.w = c.parent().width(); c.css('width', c.w - w + 'px'); c.show(); }); } $(window).trigger('resize'); }); var artButtonSetup = (function ($) { 'use strict'; return (function (className) { $.each($("a." + className + ", button." + className + ", input." + className), function (i, val) { var b = $(val); if (!b.hasClass('art-button')) { b.addClass('art-button'); } if (b.is('input')) { b.val(b.val().replace(/^\s*/, '')).css('zoom', '1'); } b.mousedown(function () { var b = $(this); b.addClass("active"); }); b.mouseup(function () { var b = $(this); if (b.hasClass('active')) { b.removeClass('active'); } }); b.mouseleave(function () { var b = $(this); if (b.hasClass('active')) { b.removeClass('active'); } }); }); }); })(jQuery); jQuery(function () { 'use strict'; artButtonSetup("art-button"); }); jQuery(function($) { 'use strict'; $('input.art-search-button, form.art-search input[type="submit"]').attr('value', ''); }); var Control = (function ($) { 'use strict'; return (function () { this.init = function(label, type, callback) { var chAttr = label.find('input[type="' +type + '"]').attr('checked'); if (chAttr === 'checked') { label.addClass('art-checked'); } label.mouseleave(function () { $(this).removeClass('hovered').removeClass('active'); }); label.mouseover(function () { $(this).addClass('hovered').removeClass('active'); }); label.mousedown(function (event) { if (event.which !== 1) { return; } $(this).addClass('active').removeClass('hovered'); }); label.mouseup(function (event) { if (event.which !== 1) { return; } callback.apply(this); $(this).removeClass('active').addClass('hovered'); }); }; }); })(jQuery); jQuery(function ($) { 'use strict'; $('.art-pager').contents().filter( function () { return this.nodeType === this.TEXT_NODE; } ).remove(); }); var fixRssIconLineHeight = (function ($) { "use strict"; return function (className) { $("." + className).css("line-height", $("." + className).height() + "px"); }; })(jQuery); jQuery(function ($) { "use strict"; var rssIcons = $(".art-rss-tag-icon"); if (rssIcons.length){ fixRssIconLineHeight("art-rss-tag-icon"); if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 9) { rssIcons.each(function () { if ($.trim($(this).html()) === "") { $(this).css("vertical-align", "middle"); } }); } } }); /** * @license * jQuery Tools 1.2.6 Mousewheel * * NO COPYRIGHTS OR LICENSES. DO WHAT YOU LIKE. * * http://flowplayer.org/tools/toolbox/mousewheel.html * * based on jquery.event.wheel.js ~ rev 1 ~ * Copyright (c) 2008, Three Dub Media * http://threedubmedia.com * * Since: Mar 2010 * Date: */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; $.fn.mousewheel = function (fn) { return this[fn ? "bind" : "trigger"]("wheel", fn); }; // special event config $.event.special.wheel = { setup: function () { $.event.add(this, wheelEvents, wheelHandler, {}); }, teardown: function () { $.event.remove(this, wheelEvents, wheelHandler); } }; // events to bind ( browser sniffed... ) var wheelEvents = !$.browser.mozilla ? "mousewheel" : // IE, opera, safari "DOMMouseScroll" + ($.browser.version < "1.9" ? " mousemove" : ""); // firefox // shared event handler function wheelHandler(event) { /*jshint validthis:true*/ switch (event.type) { // FF2 has incorrect event positions case "mousemove": return $.extend(event.data, { // store the correct properties clientX: event.clientX, clientY: event.clientY, pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY }); // firefox case "DOMMouseScroll": $.extend(event, event.data); // fix event properties in FF2 event.delta = -event.detail / 3; // normalize delta break; // IE, opera, safari case "mousewheel": event.delta = event.wheelDelta / 120; break; } event.type = "wheel"; // hijack the event return $.event.handle.call(this, event, event.delta); } })(jQuery); var ThemeLightbox = (function ($) { 'use strict'; return (function () { var current; var images = $(".art-lightbox"); this.init = function (ctrl) { $(".art-lightbox").live("click", { _ctrl: ctrl }, function (e) { if (e.data._ctrl === true && !e.ctrlKey) { return; } reload(); current = images.index(this); show(this); }); $(".art-lightbox-wrapper .arrow.left:not(.disabled)").live("click", function () { move(current - 1); }); $(".art-lightbox-wrapper .arrow.right:not(.disabled)").live("click", function () { move(current + 1); }); $(".art-lightbox-wrapper .active").live("click", function () { move(current + 1); }); $(".art-lightbox-wrapper .close").live("click", function () { close(); }); }; function show(src) { var closeBtn = $('
') .click(close); var imgContainer = $('.art-lightbox-wrapper'); if (imgContainer.length === 0) { imgContainer = $('
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(version < 12.50 ? "otransitionend" : "transitionend") : "oTransitionEnd"; } else if ($.browser.webkit) { e = "webkitTransitionEnd"; } return e; })(), prefix: (function() { var result; $.each($.browser, function(key, value) { if (key === "version") { return true; } return (result = { opera: "-o-", mozilla: "-moz-", webkit: "-webkit-", msie: "-ms-" }[key]) ? false : true; }); return result || ""; })() }; })(); window.BackgroundHelper = function () { var slides = []; var direction = "next"; var motion = "horizontal"; var width = 0; var height = 0; var multiplier = 1; var transitionDuration = ""; this.init = function(motionType, dir, duration) { direction = dir; motion = motionType; slides = []; width = 0; height = 0; multiplier = 1; transitionDuration = duration; }; this.processSlide = function(element, modify) { this.updateSize(element, null); var pos = []; var bgPosition = element.css("background-position"); var positions = bgPosition.split(","); $.each(positions, function (i) { var position = $.trim(this); var point = position.split(" "); if (point.length > 1) { var x = parseInt(point[0], 10); var y = parseInt(point[1], 10); pos.push({ x: x, y: y }); } }); slides.push({ "images": element.css("background-image"), "sizes": element.css("background-size"), "positions": pos }); if (modify) element.css("background-image", "none"); }; this.updateSize = function (element, initialSize) { width = element.outerWidth(false); height = element.outerHeight(); if (initialSize && parseInt(initialSize.width, 10) !== 0) { multiplier = width / initialSize.width; if (motion === "fade") { $.each(element.children(), function (i) { $(this).css("background-position", getCssPositions(slides[i].positions, { x: 0, y: 0 })); }); } } }; this.setBackground = function(element, items) { var bg = []; var sizes = []; $.each(items, function (i, o) { bg.push(o.images); sizes.push(o.sizes); }); element.css({ "background-image": bg.join(", "), "background-size": sizes.join(", "), "background-repeat": "no-repeat" }); }; this.setPosition = function(element, items) { var pos = []; $.each(items, function(i, o) { pos.push(o.positions); }); element.css({ "background-position": pos.join(", ") }); }; this.current = function(index) { return slides[index] || null; }; this.next = function(index) { var next; if (direction === "next") { next = (index + 1) % slides.length; } else { next = index - 1; if (next < 0) { next = slides.length - 1; } } return slides[next]; }; this.items = function(prev, next, move) { var prevItem = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var nextItem = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var isDirectionNext = direction === "next"; if (motion === "horizontal") { nextItem.x = isDirectionNext ? width : -width; nextItem.y = 0; if (move) { prevItem.x += isDirectionNext ? -width : width; nextItem.x += isDirectionNext ? -width : width; } } else if (motion === "vertical") { nextItem.x = 0; nextItem.y = isDirectionNext ? height : -height; if (move) { prevItem.y += isDirectionNext ? -height : height; nextItem.y += isDirectionNext ? -height : height; } } var result = [ ]; if (!!prev) { result.push({ images: prev.images, positions: getCssPositions(prev.positions, prevItem), sizes: prev.sizes }); } if (!!next) { result.push({ images: next.images, positions: getCssPositions(next.positions, nextItem), sizes: next.sizes }); } if (direction === "next") { result.reverse(); } return result; }; this.transition = function(container, on) { container.css($.support.transition.prefix + "transition", on ? transitionDuration + " ease-in-out background-position" : ""); }; function getCssPositions(positions, offset) { var result = []; if (positions === undefined) { return ""; } offset.x = offset.x || 0; offset.y = offset.y || 0; for (var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) { result.push((positions[i].x * multiplier + offset.x) + "px " + (positions[i].y * multiplier + offset.y) + "px"); } return result.join(", "); } }; var Slider = function (element, settings) { var interval = null; var active = false; var children = element.find(".active").parent().children(); var last = false; var running = false; this.settings = $.extend({ }, { "animation": "horizontal", "direction": "next", "speed": 600, "pause": 2500, "auto": true, "repeat": true, "navigator": null, "clickevents": true, "hover": true, "helper": null }, settings); this.move = function (direction, next) { var activeItem = element.find(".active"), nextItem = next || activeItem[direction](), innerDirection = this.settings.direction === "next" ? 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